Saturday, October 17, 2020

#gifts - #Need affordable gift suggestions for my brothers 14th birthday

Hi everyone, this is my first post on this sub (didnt know this sub existed and im so glad it does). My brothers 14th birthday is coming up in November and I'm not sure what to get him im 18 and living on my own so I cant break the bank on him but I have a budget of about £45 (58$) that im willing to spend on his gift. For Christmas last year I got him a hamper of thing with the main gift being a gaming mouse he wanted as he's looking to build his own PC and I knew he could still use the mouse in the meantime for his laptop so he wouldn't have to wait until he can afford his PC to use it, I'm thinking of getting him a gaming headset but im nit sure if a £45 one would even be any good as I know with these things you get what you pay for.I'm looking for other ideas as well just in case I cant get him a decent headset I dont really want to buy him expensive clothes because he's in the middle of a growth spurt and he won't be able to wear them for that long anyways before he grows out of them.He likes hiking, camping, cycling and stuff like that (he used to go to scouts but he's stopped going because of covid and focusing on school more).He also really likes gaming and things like that, he used to play terraria a lot (I bought him a limited edition from Germany because it had some sort of collectors card in it or something a few years back) my family usually buy him new boots or trainers for him I've been debating getting him a pair but like I said I dont want him to grow out of them before he gets some good use out of them so I'm not sure what to get him. He has a PS2, PS3 and a laptop and i dont think he's planning on upgrading to a PS4 any time soon so I guess I could get him some PS3 games.Any ideas are welcome, I'm not sure what 14 year old like nowadays because there's a big difference even from when I was 14. via /r/Gifts

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