Thursday, November 12, 2020

#gifts - #[Advice] Small but Wholesome Gifts after a rough year where I'm not in the mood the celebrate Christmas

First of all, I have to say that Christmas is all-around my favorite time of year, despite all the cold weather which I absolutely hate (fireplaces do help at that). And I'm not sure if this is the place for this question, but please help me in redirecting if for a better subreddit if needed.So, I will spare the details regarding my situation. But yes, I have had a very rough year which includes a 10Y separation (3Y of them married) which actually is leading me in going through a period of grief. And honestly, and for the first time in 13 years, I am not feeling Christmas at all. By this time I was already listening to songs in a constant loop, I already had all the gifts bought (or at least prepared) and was starting to prepare the Christmas tree. I am (was) always the lively one in the family regarding Christmas.And despite actually being quite balanced in personal terms regarding the grief period that I'm undergoing, I have to be honest, I'm not feeling it. I just want this year to end ASAP.I already said to my family and friends that they can count on me at the table for Christmas 24th dinner and lunch 25th (I think in Europe we celebrate it with a mix of thanksgiving) and I will honor the season as always. I won't be sad, I won't be mad. But I don't want gifts and I won't offer gifts as well. They actually said they will still give me gifts.However, today I woke up, and even though I still don't want to offer normal gifts, I will try to do differently. I want to give small but wholesome gifts to my family. Something that could really make a difference after a terrible year and for thanking them for being there for me in these difficult times. Or something that is completely out of the blue but really makes a difference instead of a book, a videogame, an ornament, etc...Has anybody tried a different gift approach for Christmas? Any ideas? I suck at crafting and manual arts btw. But on the other hand, I am a good "writer" overall and I can make someone cry (for good reasons) out of just reading what I see. via /r/Gifts

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