Hi!This might be a bit of a difficult one.My Mum turns 50 in a couple of weeks, we're very close & I really want to gift her something unique & thoughtful. She loves things like stacking rings, succulents, candles, books.. but these are all things I usually buy for birthdays & Christmas so I'm trying to avoid them. She never has any specific ideas for what she'd like, she just asked if I would make her a big white chocolate cake this year haha.Ultimately, I'd be elated if I could find a gift in honour of her parents/my grandparents. We lost Grandad after a long illness at the end of last year, then my Nanny very unexpectedly a few weeks ago. My Mum has taken it the hardest out of everyone. She recently told me that Grandad had said "he'd see her through to her 50th birthday" & it just broke my heart, I know she will be thinking of them on the day.She already has photos & has inherited some sentimental items from them. She also has a lock of hair from them both in a beautiful locket (she doesn't wear it however, it's more of a keepsake). She's also not religious so doesn't believe they're in heaven/that they're angels etc, I mention this because I've seen a lot of gifts that have quotes about loved ones being angels, or ones like "whenever a feather appears, a loved one is near". Whilst this may be lovely for someone else, it's definitely not her style. I did think about hunting down some videos with their voices in & doing something with the audio, though they both avoided cameras like plague so that might be tough.I'm really stuck! If anyone has any suggestions I'd be very grateful. Thank you. via /r/Gifts https://www.reddit.com/r/Gifts/comments/91s1fz/birthday_gift_for_mothers_50th_recently_lost_her/?utm_source=ifttt