Thursday, November 29, 2018

#gifts - #Need christmas gift ideas for boyfriend, $200 budget

Hi everyone. In general I'm super bad at thinking of gift ideas; it's not like I'm oblivious about what people like, but when I actively try to think of gift ideas, I'm pretty bad at it. Also, I'm in college and do not have a lot of time to window shop to get ideas. So I'm turning to reddit to try to get some help!I need unique christmas gift ideas for my 26 year old boyfriend. If details help, I am 20 years old, we are on and off LDR while I'm away at school, and by christmas we will have been dating for 5 months. However, we both feel like we are the ones for each other. So given all of this, I want to get him a few special things that he will really like.My budget is $200 maximum, but I want to get him 2-3 things.He's simplistic on the surface (loves video games, spends the day at work, comes home and chills with some drinks, etc) but very smart and intellectual; he likes philosophy, especially political philosophy, but already has tons of books on it. He's also very into men's clothing, like he's always very well dressed and invests in high quality, albeit expensive clothes. In terms of video games, he loves Destiny, Red Dead Redemption 2, Cities Skylines, and others like Mario Party. He also likes classic anime.I have some ideas/he gave me some ideas but I don't know if they are personal enough, etc. He really wants Playstation VR but I cant afford the entire set right now and get him another gift. He also said he wants/needs a couple ties or D-ring ribbon belts, but I don't know how to find high quality ones and I feel like those aren't quite personal enough.I don't have many creative skills that would allow me to make a homemade gift. But I like a lot of stuff on Etsy, any ideas there?Reddit, can you help me with gift ideas? Thanks! via /r/Gifts

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